We run sysprep after we image our machines, and as part of the setup process, we have a script that installs a few EXEs, one of which is the IntelxHCISetup setup.exe. On about 25%-30% of the machines we image, we get a pop up window saying C:\<path>\IntelxHCISetup\Lang\en-us\license.txt is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error (yes, it's the license.txt file - that's not a typo ). In fact, we get a pop-up for each language in the Lang folder (en-US, pl-PL, etc.). We're able to click through, but it messes up the automated process. Does anyone have any idea what's causing it and how to stop it? Any insight is appreciated.
The script we run to install it is a pretty basic bat script, and the command we're running when this happens is:
start "" /wait "C:\<path>\IntelxHCISetup\Setup.exe" -s
Thank you!