I would like to replace a Raid 0 of two 1TB hard drives running from a Intel ICH10R controller, installed in a motherboard Asus P6X58D Premiun and relpace it with a SSD.
I plan to clone the Raid 0 with Drive Wire Universal hard drive adapter and Apricorn's EZ GIG IV software, then remove both hard drives from the computer and boot up from the SSD,
my question is: will the SSD boot up from the Intel ICH10R controller with the same Raid setting?, if it boots up may I install both hard drives again, boot from the SSD and delete the Raid and run both hard drives as JBOD?
I don't want to go through the Win 7 and all the applications installation again, are there any risks in doing this?, I can't find information about how the Intel ICH10R works when creating or deleting a Raid, does it store the the Raid config in the controller? or the config just resides in the Raid or single disk alone.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you.