Hello, I am new to the Intel community boards.
I use USB3.0 for a year now but since the last motherboard upgrade I have problems with the USB3.0 spec.
My situation first:
Intel Core i5 2400
Asrock P67 PRO3 with Asmedia USB3.0
Now I have the same core i5 but an Asrock Z77 PRO4-M after my SATA-300 failures.
The best pros where onboard video and front USB 3.0 for me.
But when I plugged in my external USB 3.0 hdd I got this warning message:
When I test the hdd with benchmarks I can see the transfer rate is limited by ~40MB/s
on my old motherboard the transfer rate was above 100 MB/s.
I tried to reinstall the intel USB 3.0 drivers, I reinstalled Windows 7 x64 Home Edition and did a fresh reinstall of all drivers.
I tried to connect the HDD to the front and rear ports but neither works.
Can someone help me out? Is it a software error or a hardware failure?