System is:
Asus P9X79 Pro MB, 32GB RAM
Boot and only drive is 2x512GB Samsung 840 Pro in RAID-1, on Intel 6GB/s ports
Running Win7-X64 SP1
I just updated the Asus Bios from 2104 to 4502 and it seems I now have the possibility to use the Intel RST RAID driver instead of the RST-E driver.
Currently I have the RST-E V3.5.0.1092 driver. I was thinking maybe to install the RST V12.9.0.1001 driver (the latest, dated 12/12/201313) because I have read many reports that say RST drivers are faster than RST-E.
My question is, is it possible to do this without having to re-install Win7? If so, what procedure do I use?
If necessary, I have no problem with doing a temporary migration of my boot drive to a non-Raid drive, then migrate it back again after changing to RST. I just don't want to have to re-install Win7 if it can be avoided.
I Googled around and I can find no clear answer to this question.