i have an intel i7 7700 on a clevo laptop.
i keep getting these errors in the windows log thingy, coming from the intel ioc agent
2017-04-19 10:58:02,269 [40] ERROR ProviderManager.SecurepayBcaProvisioner - Exception during BCA-SGX provisioning
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): Eccezione lanciata da un componente esterno.
in Intel.Pabe.Factor.SgxProvider.AbortProvision(SgxProvider* , UInt32 )
in BCAXInterface.SgxProvider.Provision(String provisionUrl, String providerUrl)
in ProviderManager.SecurepayBcaProvisioner.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<StartProvisioningAsync>b__0()
is all this normal? the machine is working fine though
My drivers are already up to date for intel chipset and for intel ME
thank you for your help