I'm confused about VT-d support on chipsets Z87 (DH82Z87) and H87 (DH82H87).
This document Compatibility with Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) (http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/CS-030922.htm) specifies that chipset Z87 (DH82Z87) supports VT-d:
The following Intel® Desktop Boards support Intel VT with Directed I/O:
ChipsetDesktop Board H87, Q87, Z87 - DH87MC, DH87RL, DQ87PG, DZ87KLT-75K
and the chipset product page here http://ark.intel.com/products/75013/Intel-DH82Z87-PCH says:
"Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) ‡ No".
Please confirm if this chipset supports this virtualization feature - perhaps there is only partial support? This issue is valid for H87 and older chipsets: (Z77, H77), ARK lists them as not supportting VT-d, but that motherboard support page lists them as supported.
This confusion is further amplified since some 3rd part motherboard manufacturers list their Z87 boards as supporting VT-d, while other manufacturers claim that only boards with Q87, Q77 chipsets have this feature.
Support for this feature, VT-d, has the greatest influence in my buying decision, please shed some light into this.
Message was edited by: Bogdan Bivolaru, corrected some grammar issues.