There are devices converting USB to ETHERNET, if I plug my laptop's USB 3.0 to a modem or switch, can I have a second ip on my laptop? For example, can I transfer files from one network through USB, and at the same time playing counter strike multiplayer from fast ethernet connected to modem? One with 192.168.1.x and other 192.168.1.y?
I also have a second question:
I built a network with:
- (laptop) <--- wireless 54 Mbit/s ----> (modem) <------- 100 MBit/s ------> (desktop pc),
- it can ping-pong 100MB data between laptop and desktop in 40-45 seconds.
- when I plug 10/100 Mbit ethernet cable between laptop and modem, it ping-pongs in 12-15 seconds so it is 3x the speed of wireless
is the 3x speed originated from 100/54 speed rate ~2 multiplied by: (cable packet loss ratio) / (wireless packet loss ratio)?
If I buy a gigabit(1000 Mbit/s)-switch(both computers support gigabit ethernet), will it have even less packet loss than fast ethernet(100MBit) and in the end would I have more than 10x (lets say 12x) bandwidth increase?