I am trying to installing the latest version of Intel Proset onto a 2008 Server to enable NIC load balancing, but it fails everytime with the message "This Version Of Intel Proset is not supported for upgrades. You must install it"
It is not listed in Add/Remove Programs
I have followed the Intel Guide and removed countless registry entrys
I have used msiinv &msizap to check and remove and offending msi files
All to no avail....
If I turn on the logging and try and install via command line I get this in the log, but I can make sense of it or use it to help me find the problem..
Any ideas?
Action start 16:16:49: CA_CHECK_IF_PROSAFE2_IS_INSTALLED.
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: IsPROSetWiredInstalled() -> Finding products with Upgrade Code = {4CCD9BD7-D0A0-40E3-8004-DF547FD8B904}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: No products installed
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Exiting IsPROSetWiredInstalled()
Action ended 16:16:49: CA_CHECK_IF_PROSAFE2_IS_INSTALLED. Return value 1.
Action start 16:16:49: CA_IS_UNSUPPORTED_DMIX_INSTALLED.437F5B34_E3B8_4018_8EAD_A0D0FED2520C.
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Entering IsUnsupportedDMIXUpgrade()
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Testing upgrade code {CB3F2FEC-C7C3-4700-9E86-3CC7CAF640E4}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Version of installed DMIX: (0.50325856)
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Found unsupported version
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Testing upgrade code {4CCD9BD7-D0A0-40E3-8004-DF547FD8B904}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Did not find any installed instances
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Testing upgrade code {F0A7370D-D2BC-4CEA-8622-EDA29DA4C3A4}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Did not find any installed instances
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Testing upgrade code {286A5A7B-E0AB-481E-B451-2E9EAC3F32B2}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Did not find any installed instances
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Testing upgrade code {91DA3583-3B89-4D4A-898A-713D38032D54}
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Did not find any installed instances
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Failing install over unsupported DMIX upgrade
MSI (s) (78!F8) [16:16:49:244]: Product: Intel(R) Network Connections -- The installed version of Intel PROSet is not supported for upgrades. You must uninstall it before installing this version.
The installed version of Intel PROSet is not supported for upgrades. You must uninstall it before installing this version.
1: (PROSET) Generic Log Tag: 2: Exiting IsUnsupportedDMIXUpgrade()
Action ended 16:16:49: CA_IS_UNSUPPORTED_DMIX_INSTALLED.437F5B34_E3B8_4018_8EAD_A0D0FED2520C. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:16:49: INSTALL. Return value 3.
MSI (s) (78:44) [16:16:49:248]: Product: Intel(R) Network Connections -- Installation operation failed.
MSI (s) (78:44) [16:16:49:249]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Intel(R) Network Connections. Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 1603.
=== Logging stopped: 31/07/2013 16:16:49 ===