I had to recently replace a defective HDD in my Dell XPS 27 AiO; I took this opportunity to also upgrade from Win 8.1 to Windows 10 using a clean install. For whatever reason, since these changes I cannot get my system to employ my mSATA SSD to cache processes as it it did previously. The HDD is an exact model replacement and the SSD remains the same one that was factory installed. Nothing else on the machine was altered.
I downloaded the latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver for Windows 10, 64-bit. I also made sure the SSD was formatted with no partitions but I still cannot get the RST to give me the Accelerate option - only the 'Performance' tab displays in the program window. I just checked and the BIOS does appear to be in RAID mode (it wasn't immediately after the Windows install).
Here is a screenshot of both my Disk Management window and RST program window:
Is there something else I'm missing and need to do? Any help is appreciated.