I have Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) RAID Driver installed and have a longstanding issue of not being able to have my PC resume from sleep or hibernate mode. Periodically I update drives to stay current and see if it addresses this issue. I am trying to upgrade to Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) RAID Driver but it fails with the error "Fatal error during installation."
The last lines of IntelRST_MSI.log are:
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:765]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallDate,Value=20140103,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=HelpTelephone,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=HelpLink,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DisplayVersion,Value=,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Contact,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Comments,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=AuthorizedCDFPrefix,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\TempPackages,,BinaryType=1,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=C:\Windows\Installer\19cea6.msi,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\TempPackages 3: 2
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\4D296F39D4C0DEE4B9EF56C7D19595EF\Transforms,,BinaryType=1,,)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\4D296F39D4C0DEE4B9EF56C7D19595EF\Transforms 3: 2
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=0)
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:766]: Error in rollback skipped. Return: 5
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:795]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:796]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (48:54) [22:25:13:796]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:796]: Calling SRSetRestorePoint API. dwRestorePtType: 13, dwEventType: 103, llSequenceNumber: 139, szDescription: "".
MSI (s) (48:C0) [22:25:13:797]: The call to SRSetRestorePoint API succeeded. Returned status: 0.
=== Verbose logging started: 8/18/2015 22:25:12 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.9600.00 Calling process: C:\Users\Darian\Desktop\SetupRST.exe ===
MSI (c) (D0:18) [22:25:13:798]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (D0:18) [22:25:13:798]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
=== Verbose logging stopped: 8/18/2015 22:25:13 ===
The last lines of IntelRST.log are:
015:08:18 22:05:52:330: Type MSI: ID='{DBEC3A35-04A8-4A70-BD7B-F42654758956}', Installed version:, Extracted: Yes
2015:08:18 22:05:52:340: Preparing UI
2015:08:18 22:05:52:344: Reading storyboard
2015:08:18 22:05:52:347: Page count: 10
2015:08:18 22:05:52:351: Added: Welcome
2015:08:18 22:05:52:354: Added: Modify
2015:08:18 22:05:52:358: Added: Warning
2015:08:18 22:05:52:361: Added: License
2015:08:18 22:05:52:365: Added: Readme
2015:08:18 22:05:52:368: Added: Destination
2015:08:18 22:05:52:372: Added: Confirm
2015:08:18 22:05:52:376: Added: Progress
2015:08:18 22:05:52:380: Added: Finish
2015:08:18 22:05:52:383: Added: Error
2015:08:18 22:05:52:387: Reading string map
2015:08:18 22:05:52:390: No string map present
2015:08:18 22:05:52:417: Showing page: Welcome
2015:08:18 22:05:57:509: Showing page: Warning
2015:08:18 22:06:57:054: Showing page: License
2015:08:18 22:06:59:289: Showing page: Readme
2015:08:18 22:07:00:086: Showing page: Destination
2015:08:18 22:07:00:883: Showing page: Confirm
2015:08:18 22:07:01:617: Setup thread started
2015:08:18 22:07:01:633: Showing page: Progress
2015:08:18 22:07:01:773: Beginning transaction ID=1
2015:08:18 22:07:01:773: Installing 'RST_x64.msi'
2015:08:18 22:07:01:773: Properties 'PRODUCTFOLDER="C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology" REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADDLOCAL=DriverFeature,ServiceFeature,UIFeature,TrayFeature'
2015:08:18 22:07:01:789: Setting MSI log file to 'IntelRST_MSI.log'. Verbosity level is 4096
2015:08:18 22:25:12:262: Return code: 1603
2015:08:18 22:25:12:265: W Aborting install
2015:08:18 22:25:13:814: Transaction complete. Overall return code is 1603
2015:08:18 22:25:13:840: Showing page: Error
2015:08:18 22:25:36:775: Link: Launching 'C:\Users\Darian\Intel\Logs'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:861: Dumping properties (27 total)
2015:08:18 22:27:17:865: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2015:08:18 22:27:17:869: IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Darian\Intel\Logs
2015:08:18 22:27:17:873: IIF_SETUPVERSION=
2015:08:18 22:27:17:876: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=
2015:08:18 22:27:17:880: IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\Darian\Desktop
2015:08:18 22:27:17:884: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{409CB30E-E457-4008-9B1A-ED1B9EA21140}
2015:08:18 22:27:17:887: IIF_OS=6.3
2015:08:18 22:27:17:891: IIF_DEBUG_REPORTEDVERSION=6.2
2015:08:18 22:27:17:895: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=0
2015:08:18 22:27:17:898: IIF_IS64=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:902: IIF_NET20=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:905: IIF_NET30=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:909: IIF_NET35=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:912: IIF_NET40CLIENT=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:916: IIF_NET40FULL=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:919: IIF_NET45CLIENT=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:923: IIF_NET45FULL=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:927: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology
2015:08:18 22:27:17:930: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=en-US
2015:08:18 22:27:17:934: _INF_RAID64_VERSION=
2015:08:18 22:27:17:938: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Darian\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF238C.tmp
2015:08:18 22:27:17:941: IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL
2015:08:18 22:27:17:945: IIF_PACKAGEPATH=C:\Users\Darian\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2BEB.tmp
2015:08:18 22:27:17:948: IIF_LICENSE=
2015:08:18 22:27:17:952: IIF_README=
2015:08:18 22:27:17:955: IIF_ACCEPTED=1
2015:08:18 22:27:17:959: IIF_EXITCODE=1603
2015:08:18 22:27:17:962: Dumping feature states
2015:08:18 22:27:17:966: Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{DBEC3A35-04A8-4A70-BD7B-F42654758956}' | Current: 'true' | New: 'true'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:970: Feature: 'ServiceFeature' | Package: '{DBEC3A35-04A8-4A70-BD7B-F42654758956}' | Current: 'true' | New: 'true'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:974: Feature: 'UIFeature' | Package: '{DBEC3A35-04A8-4A70-BD7B-F42654758956}' | Current: 'true' | New: 'true'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:977: Feature: 'TrayFeature' | Package: '{DBEC3A35-04A8-4A70-BD7B-F42654758956}' | Current: 'true' | New: 'true'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:981: Feature: '' | Package: '' | Current: 'false' | New: 'true'
2015:08:18 22:27:17:984: Exit code (command line): 1603
2015:08:18 22:27:17:988: >>> Log End
I am running Windows 8.1 x64 and an Asus P8P67 DELUXE with the P67 Chipset, driver 6.3.9600.17238. I tried running the Intel Driver Update Utility 2.2 that finds the Intel Chipset Device Software 10.0.27, but it fails to install too.
Anyone have ideas?