Hello, first sorry for my English, I'm French speaker.
I con‑tact this forum be‑cause I have a little pro‑blem / bug and I want to know why it is happen. And how to cor‑rect it.
I have a Asus P5K‑E/WiFi‑AP (with last BIOS 1305) with Intel P35 & ICH9R chip‑set, an Intel Core Quad Q9650 3Ghz, 4go DDR2 800MHz Corsair DHX and five hard drive in AHCI mode.
Be‑fore I had Windows XP and I used the Intel Matrix Storage, and he was a very good driver. But since the 6 mars 2015 I up‑graded my sy‑stem to Windows 7 64bits Home Premium, to be able to launch some DirectX 11 games and to in‑stall the new Nvidia GTX 970 be‑cause there is no driver for Windows XP...
I in‑stalled the Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver in Windows 7, but after that, I was un‑able to use Windows Up‑date any‑more, after a lot of search, hope‑fully I finded in Microsoft & Intel forum, telling that the I.M.S.M driver block Windows Up‑date in Windows 7. These forum sug‑gested to use "Intel Rapid Storage" :
I tryed to in‑stall the last desk‑top A.H.C.I version but he re‑fused to launch.
- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/22271/AHCI-Intel-Rapid-Storage-Technology-Driver-for-Intel-Desktop-Boards
- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/search?keyword=intel+rapid+storage+desktop+ahci
After some search, I read these pages :
So I in‑stalled the "Intel Rapid Storage driver" last version sup‑porting ICH9R.
Cool with that one my "Windows Up‑date" was back and working.
But now I find in it a strange be‑havior, when I launch my Windows 7, and look at "IAStorUI.exe", in "manage", they show for my 5 hard drives "SATA transfer‑rate: 3Gb/S", that is cor‑rect for ICH9R chip‑set.
But after some time, in some case 20min, 1, 2 or 5 hour, for un‑known reason or per‑haps after launching a un‑known software, the G: drive (Seagate ST2000DX001-1CM164) speed and only this drive, de‑crease in Intel Rapid Sorage Manager to "SATA transfer‑rate: 1.5Gb/S", I don't why.
After the bug begins, the speed is shown by CrystalDiskInfo to : Transfer Mode "SATA/150 | SATA/600", "Cur‑rent Mode | Sup‑ported Mode".
After the bug ap‑pears, the drive works at SATA/150 and the speed of the drive tested with CrystalDiskMark de‑crease to 130MB/S.
G: is my new game drive (SSHD). He has 170 to 200MB/S Read speed, to launch the games faster, it is a SATA/600 capable, but works at SATA/300 which is enough be‑cause the disk has 160 to 200MB/S speed. Be‑fore that my G: was a SAMSUNG HD501LJ with Sequential Read : 51.436 MB/s, so my new Seagate ST2000DX001 drive is 3 to 4 time faster. Which is cool for games launching.
The only way to stop transfer‑rate speed de‑creasing is to re‑boot or to put Windows 7 64Bits in sleep‑state, after that the speed come back to "SATA transfer‑rate: 3Gb/S".
I know that in the STOR_Win7_8_12.5.0.1066.exe :
We can read at line 4161280, that "the Sata transfer‑rate in‑formation is in‑cor‑rectly dis‑played in the UI" bug is cor‑rected but I'm not able to in‑stall this version.
Still I don't think is just an in‑cor‑rect dis‑playing be‑cause my speed is af‑fected in bench‑mark test tools (CrystalDiskMark, Bench32, HD Tune Pro).
So what to do to re‑move this strange bug.
I know that loosing 50 to 80MB/S of speed for my G: drive is not so serious, but still, I want to know the cause and how to re‑pair it. I don't want to re‑boot or put in sleep‑state and wake the P.C up every‑day.
I have this bug only with this drive, the others stay at "SATA transfer‑rate: 3Gb/S" in "Intel Rapid Storage Manager".
Please help‑me. Thank you.
P.S : I had this bug since in‑stalled Windows 7 & Intel Rapid Storage Technology in mars 2015, two month I didn't had that pro‑blem any‑more, and now in jun it happen again...